Sunday, July 28, 2019

Aspergers and Making Money Online - Part 1

For most of the past ten years now, I have had a burning passion to somehow make money online. My motivation has never been about getting super rich, driving a Ferrari, or jetting around the world - a small flat and a Nissan Micra are quite sufficient! It was simply because I wanted a way out of my boring, dead-end office job, being able to make ends meet on my own terms, and most importantly, having control of my working environment and not being forced to interact with difficult work colleagues, or anyone for that matter.

Now as of today, I am not really active in any make money online businesses, although I keep my eye on the internet marketing scene. I have grown weary of all the effort and false promises out there, and I'm very happy in my current job for now. I am aware that the world of employment is subject to change, and I do have a backup plan if I lost my job or felt the need to leave for any reason. But that's another story.

May 2010 - The Journey Begins

May 2nd 2009 was the date of my brother's wedding, myself and extended family were staying out in Suffolk for a few days afterwards, and I remember discussing what I could do and the idea of freelance writing came into discussion.

Well around a year later one day I felt compelled to take action. In May 2010 I applied to be a contributing writer for the now defunct Suite101 article directory. I could write articles on any topic of my choice. I submitted two demo articles and quickly got approved as a contributor. This site enabled you to earn money when people clicked on the Google ads on the page where your articles were posted. Initially I was able to earn several cents per day even with just a few articles posted. I could see on the leaderboard the top earners with 1000 or so articles  online were earning something like $2000 per month, which would be enough to make ends meet. My aim was to eventually write enough articles to make this sort of money, so I could quit my job.

Unfortunately, after a few months of writing, Google's Panda algorithm updates meant that the articles posted on this site, and other article directories were no longer topping the search engines, and therefore saw a massive reduction in web traffic the ads stopped getting the clicks and the money stopped coming in. Eventually the whole platform changed and it was no longer possible to make money there at all. However I think I made around $10 or so while the site was active.

Want some context to this blog - click here to find out about me

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