Monday, September 2, 2019

Planned vs Spontaneous Blog Postings

"My intention at this stage is not to post everyday as that doesn't feel realistic, but to try and post at least once a week, and more regularly when I get the time and inspiration to do so, and be consistent over the long-term." 

Well I stated that on August 4th, and haven't managed to post anything since the following day! To be fair I've had a couple of bad weeks, weeks when I've been plagued by trivial worries that I could not get out of my system, and developed a bit of a cold at the same time, and yet I did managed to work on my other passion which is music - you can listen to my recordings at - (these are instrumental covers mostly of modern chart music with retrofied original arrangements, all entirely my work).

So I thought today I would sit down and try to write a post on how my mind isolates me, following on from my post about specialist interests. During my working day, when I'm in an upbeat mood, I can get a lot of general ideas on things I would like to post about, however transferring one idea into a fully-fledged blog post can take quite a bit of thought and effort. I'm still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing, so I thought to my self "you know what, leave that thought to another day, and do a post on what's on your mind right now"

So the issue on my mind right now is, how do I sustain this blog. Should I plan my posts, or do I post spontaneously? I am leaning more towards the latter, because I feel that how well I write something will depend upon how passionate I am feeling on that issue at the time of writing. If I am feeling passionate (that's not really the right word but I cannot think of a better one right now) about the issue or experience, particularly if I've been in a challenging social situation or had a troubling encounter with someone which I'm spending hours on end over anaylsing, the blog post will come much more easily to me, than if its just something on my schedule to write about.

On the other hand, without any planning, the blog can turn into a mishmash of ideas without any real flow. There's some things I want to share, but won't make a lot of sense to post now, because there are other issues that 'precede' them - my series on making money online being a case in point, and I do intend to continue this story, which I will need to plan. Sometimes I will start writing and realise that my post will be too long, so will need to split it, and write part two another day. Yet I may not feel into writing about that issue the next day.

This post is a spontaneous one. I don't suppose this post will interest people. However I thought that rather than force myself to post what I planned to post the other week, I would simply post about what was on my mind, and try and get back into the swing of blogging. When you're in the business of regular content creation, not all of it will be great, but there should hopefully be some value in all of it.

So as of today, I will expect I will probably try and be a little more spontaneous in my blogging. I hope to continue to plan some things though, and follow through on anything I don't have time to say on the day. We'll see how it goes.

Want some context to this blog - click here to find out about me

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